Dr judy wood new book

I was happy to offer the creator a few video clips. Judy wood march 15 to expound upon the 911 findings in her detailed book, where did the towers go. Wood never uses the term collapse because there was no collapse and it would be scientifically inaccurate. No matter whose technology was used that day, theres a lot of companies that have a big stake in keeping that covered up, because, you know, oil companies, for example. As she walks us through all the actual damage that was done to the wtc. Judy wood, the hutchison effect, dustification, free energy, lenr, where did the towers go molecular dissociation, crystal lattice. I was writing about 911 being an inside job and those buildings coming down due to controlled oppostion starting on sept 12, 2001 via email exchanges with jeff rense, long before anyone ever heard the name of dr judy wood, so dont talk to me like im new to the subject or that dr judy wood is the end all, be all authority on the topic. Degree from virginia tech and is a former professor of mechanical engineering. Architects and engineers for 911 truth debunk judy wood. Follow to get new release updates and improved recommendations. Gotta go catch the new show been waiting for dave and you all month. The interview is pretty good and does raise other questions. Wood and others, in order to prove their own 911 hypothesis, see part 4 of this report. The top down destruction of towers 1 and 2 can not be explained by controlled demolition i think.

I brought this book by dr judy wood because she has undertaken a pure scientific analytic forensic approach to look at and check the evidence of what turned approximately 85% of the towers to dust and before a gravity propelled drop was even possible before the towers hit the ground that day, caused cars to become part toasted, yet paper not. Bothheadandheartare wed in this work ofpainstaking genius. Please watch this brief evidencepacked video series which introduces viewers to a small but important portion of the large body of physical evidence from 911 each video is. Judy wood has studied 911 with an open mind and sharp eyes and has reached surprising conclusions. All posts on this subreddit will be entertained and discussiondebate of the material presented will be allowed as long as everyone remains civil. Where did the towers go evidence of directed freeenergy.

The journal of 911 research and 911 issues dr judy wood. Judy woods book which is a summary of the physical evidence submitted in her federal qui tam case accusing the. Wood is also the author of a massive book of documentation and. Physics, interferometry, and materials engineering science, dr. Evidence of directed free energy technology what drew me to this book is what it is not about. Judy wood has pieced together the physical evidence and andrew johnson has highlighted who is working to silence or smear whom, as the powers that be rush to impede or at least contain the dissemination of these startling findings. Where did towers go evidence of directed freeenergy. Judy wood exposes 911, new evidence will shock you. Judy wood the evidence for directed freeenergy tech. Click for full size description educational poster based on the book where did the towers go. Wood is a former professor of mechanical engineering with research interests in experimental stress analysis, structural mechanics, optical methods, deformation analysis, and the materials characterization of biomaterials and composite materials.

Judy wood seems to have been born specifically for this historic world trade center investigation. She earned her doctorate in materials engineering science from the department of engineering science and mechanics at virginia polytechnic institute and state university in blacksburg, virginia, in 1992. In conclusion ill leave you with the most compelling researcher on this subject, who engages in empirical evidence for her book where did the towers go evidence of directed freeenergy technology on 911. She has research expertise in experimental stress analysis, structural mechanics, deformation analysis, materials characterization and materials engineering science. Evidence of freeenergy technology on 911 is an indepth forensic analysis of the events of that day and in my opinion exposes a relevant truth about how the wtc was destroyed the. It is a 540 page book about factual evidence, empirical evidence that reveals the truth in a way that is undeniable to anyone who reads it. Its a great compilation of material, lasting about 45 minutes. Statements can be verified to a large degree simply by examining the photos provided for each. How could someone who claims to be a scientist and truthseeking researcher, someone who has published her own book claiming to be the only comprehensiveforensic investigation into what happened to the world trade center complex on 911 have neglected to thoroughly read the nist report. Free download of the text is also available from the page linked below.

Wood is a former professor of mechanical engineering with research interests in experimental stress analysis, structural mechanics, optical m. Red dirt report was launched july 4, 2007 as an independent news website covering all manner of news, culture, entertainment and lifestyle stories that affect and interest oklahoma readers and readers outside of our state. Everyday low prices and free delivery on eligible orders. Dr judy wood know what it is that you know that you know. Woods ideas do not comport with the larger conspiracy version and. This book is of vast importance the most detailed and illustrative study of what happened to the wtc buildings and a look at the nature and some of the possible history behind the technology which was used to turn more than 90% of those. Wood is an anesthesiologist in dallas, texas and is affiliated with multiple hospitals in the area. This book is a forensic analysis of what effectively is a crime scene. What many of us have only guessed atisnt that debris pile too smallthe brilliant dr.

Classified freeenergy technology revealed to the world. Judy wood answers these questions and more in the lecture she gave at the. This is a followup book to one that was published in 2014, titled plague. Some have suggested that much of the structural steel of the world trade center skyscrapers was turned to dust, or dustified a. Evidence of directed freeenergy technology on 911 judy wood, eric larsen on. Wood, whose observations have made considerable ripples in 911 research circles,maintains that the twin towers of new yorks world trade center wtc on. Photos and captions show exclusively what happened at the world trade center in nyc on 911. By mark anderson brenham, texasblinn college near houston welcomed dr.

Wood merits her own biography page at wikipedia, but please count me in, and please let me know what it is going to take to get a. Both of these books address adventures and misadventures of science set as a. Judy wood regarding the destruction of all seven buildings of the world trade center on 11 sep 01. She has even coined a term to describe this new process, which she calls dustification. Evidence of directed freeenergy technology on 911 by judy wood, eric larsen isbn. Our mission is to educate, promote civic engagement and discourse on public policy, government and politics. Judy wood has given us a key to unlocking our future. Pilots for 911 truth, war games and the timeline on presidential. Before we dive into the book, its important to know who judy wood is. Statements are empirical, there is no speculation required or presented. Woods book is not about a conspiracy theory or a theory at all. Judy woods work is being dismissed or even ridiculed in a lot of places. This video misquotes the book and flat out lies, the seismic data is not telling us how long it took a building to collapse since there was no collapse. Judy wood examines a load of photographic and testimonial data in her book.

The purpose of this public subreddit is for discussion promoting the work of dr. Evidence of directed freeenergy technology on 911, the new investigation, 2010. It is not clear how many well respected scientists such as myself will be needed to form a significant minority opinion that dr. Judywood,amostqualifiedguide,balancesthescientificrealityof 911withthesensitivityofheroceanicheart. You know, my book is just evidence, so why do people have such a problem with it. Evidence of directed freeenergy technology on 911 which shows a huge collection of 911 photographs and illustrations that you normally could not get anywhere else in one place. Judy mikovits and her coauthor, kent heckenlively, have a new book the plague of corruption being released on april 14, 2020. Where did the towers go the evidence of directed energy technology on 911. Nist was mandated by congress to determine why and how wtc 1 and wtc 2 collapsed yet nist admitted to me that they did not analyze the collapse. No longer the newest war by deception audio redone,new clips, massive editing, info on tower access, enjoy and spread. For 2 more examples of fraudulent photos being used as genuine evidence by dr.

For the record, i do not believe that our government is responsible for. I agree that she has looked at the event and subevents of 911 wtc collapses in a unique way and come to surprising and. Dr judy wood at the breakthrough energy movement conference, 2012 holland from andrew johnson on vimeo this is a slightly edited version of dr judy wood at the breakthrough energy movement conference, 2012 holland from breakthrough energy movement thanks to the bem team for making this video and uploading it free. Wood is a former professor of mechanical engineering with. Judy wood, works harder than anyone searching for 911 evidence and here is her latest gift, which obliterates the lies about plane crashes on 911.

Starting with the evidence shes gathered in this book we can begin to push for answers and more importantly accountability for that day. The towers didnt burn up, nor did they slam to the ground. It is not about who did the crime and who was behind 911. Woods hypothesis has generated new interest in the fact that, on september 11th. Judy woods book which is a summary of the physical evidence submitted in her federal qui tam case accusing the defendants of science fraud. Also make sure to buy her book where did the towers go. Judy woods book where did the towers go, is a proven fraud, a pure, fabricated, 100% digital creation, not in any way a genuine photograph of a 911 event. I came here expecting to find some intelligent conversation about the evidence presented in her book. Judy wood has also published a book entitled where did the towers go. Evidence of directed freeenergy technology on 911 where did the towers go. Weve all seen the footage a thousand times, but maybe through the power of suggestion, weve missed something major. Wood is a graduate and former professor of mechanical engineering at virginia tech.